About Our Magazine

Great Lakes Rock Hunter is a monthly digital magazine, bringing you the most useful information, fun stories, and beautiful pictures to keep you happily reading and prepare you for your next rockhounding adventures. Available online, but most uniquely, as an app on your Apple or Android device (meaning virtually any tablet or smartphone), each issue is delivered instantly to you electronically.

Focused on the Great Lakes region, GLRH offers casual short articles on rocks and crafting that can be read in under a minute, but also feature length articles that dive deep into rockhound jewelry making, history, science, and art. With travel tips, equipment guides, identification tricks, in-depth stories, and beautiful pictures, Great Lakes Rock Hunter is the place to come for Midwest rock hunting information.

We’re not just the best source of information on Great Lakes rockhounding. And we’re not just the best magazine out there… we are the only publication that brings you the info you need to make the most out of the hobby we love in our region.

Great Lakes Rock Hunter is written by scientists, artisans, university professors, rock shop owners, and life-long enthusiasts, all brought together and united by a passion for the natural treasures found in our neck of the woods and on our shores.

Whether you have a budding interest, a life-long passion, or are just remembering the joy of collecting rocks with your grandparents as a child so many decades ago, join us on this adventure together and subscribe now to Great Lakes Rock Hunter!